
Individual Detailer Certifications

The National Institute of Steel Detailing has created the Individual Detailer Certification Program (I.D.C.)

Aim & Purpose

The National Institute of Steel Detailing has created the Individual Detailer Certification Program (I.D.C.) in response to the steel industry’s need to determine the skill level of individuals performing steel detailing services. Industry professionals are in search of talented detailers who have the knowledge and capability to produce quality shop drawings within the framework of various codes, specifications and contract documents. The IDC program has been established to examine and evaluate an individual’s detailing knowledge and issue a certificate attesting to that level of knowledge. It is the intention of the NISD to eventually establish this program as an industry-wide professional standard of practice in conjunction with its Quality Procedures Certification Program for companies.

Eligibility Requirements

The I.D.C. Program offers worldwide certification in 2 disciplines: Bridge and Structural/Miscellaneous. Individuals may apply to be certified in one or both disciplines. In order to apply, eligible applicants must meet the following requirements in either of these two classifications:

      • Senior Detailer [Class I] – This classification is for applicants who have a minimum of 10 years detailing along with some checking experience. These applicants are required to submit detailed experience history and a letter of recommendation along with their application. The letter of recommendation may be from a steel fabricator or an IDC Certified Senior Detailer.
      • Detailer [Class II] – This classification is for applicants who have a minimum of 5 years detailing experience, or who have 3 years detailing experience and have satisfactorily completed a training program. These applicants are required to submit detailed experience history and a letter of recommendation along with their application. The letter of recommendation may be from a steel fabricator or an IDC Certified Senior Detailer.
Individuals may apply to take both the Bridge and the Structural/Miscellaneous test; however, separate applications must be submitted for
each discipline.

Application & Acceptance Information

IDC testing is now Online! All testing is video proctored, and may be taken online, anytime, anywhere!
The I.D.C. test fees are as follows: Cost for NISD North American Members – $300 total fee per discipline + proctor fee (if applicable). A non-refundable deposit of $100 is required for processing the application. The remaining test fee of $200 is due 10 days prior to the candidate’s test date or entrance to the exam will be denied. There is an additional fee of $50 for NISD Members Overseas – Total $350 + proctor fee (if applicable). Cost for Non-Members in North America – $500 + proctor fee per discipline (if applicable). A non-refundable deposit of $200 is required for processing the application. The remaining test fee of $300 is due 10 days prior to the candidate’s test date or entrance to the exam will be denied. There is an additional fee of $50 for Non-Members Overseas – Total $550 + proctor fee (if applicable). For an IDC application form click here. Each candidate must complete and submit an application. The following information is required.
Specify discipline [Bridge and/or Structural/Miscellaneous]
  2. Specify classification [Senior Detailer – Class I or Detailer – Class II]
  3. Attach a resume of experience history
  4. Attach a letter of recommendation
  5. Enclose a deposit of $100 or $200 as required

The NISD’s I.D.C. Program Administrator will review all applications to determine if all requirements have been satisfied for the applicant to proceed with testing. If the application is not accepted, he/she will receive notification stating the reason and what steps should be taken to complete processing. When a candidate’s application is accepted, they will receive written notification and a sample test. Test sites are located at various major cities throughout the United States and Canada. Please note that some overnight travel might be required. For candidates located outside the continental United States and Canada, other arrangements will be made. All IDC testing is now online! Once you sign up and pay for your IDC test, you may take this test at anytime from anywhere in the world!

While the test usually takes 4 (four) to 6 (six) hours to complete, please make sure that a full 8 (eight-hour) day can be allocated. Then contact the IDC Program Administrator with the pertinent information. Arrangements will be confirmed and finalized through the NISD.

Support Information

To assist candidates in preparing for the certification test, the NISD has prepared a list of materials for the Structural/Miscellaneous discipline.
The AISC 15th Edition Steel Construction Manual click here, and the AISC 3rd Edition Detailing for Steel Construction Manual click here, Hot-Dip
Galvanizing (NISD Publication – click here, Paint and Fireproofing NISD Publication – click here, 2nd Edition Detailing Guide for Erector’s Safety &
Efficiency click here, Joist and Deck (Vulcraft Catalogs), BIM ( and the Uniform Building Code are needed. Sample test
questions will be sent to the candidate upon acceptance of application. The Bridge candidates test will have additional questions that relate to
reference materials published by others such as AISC, AASHTO, OSHA, etc. The NISD’s Individual Detailer Certification Exam is moderately
difficult; however a competent detailer will be able to pass. This is not a test of memory but a test of ability. The exam’s emphasis is based on a
candidate’s knowledge of the various techniques, codes, and specifications involved in detailing. There are both true/false and multiple-choice
questions. Also the person tested is expected to pick the proper answers from questions based on statements and from information supplied in a
series of illustrations involving detailing situations. The types of problems on the test are those that a detailer encounters in everyday work
experience. Computer/CAD knowledge is not required and candidates are not expected to demonstrate manual drafting skills. It is an open book
exam in which each candidate is permitted to have personal resources on hand, in order to locate pertinent information.

Testing Information

Candidates will receive a reminder prior to taking the test. It will restate the time, date of the exam. A list of suggested reference materials, equipment needed for the test, and test rules will be included. The remaining test fee is due no later than 10 days prior to the test date. Under no circumstances may anyone other than the applicant take the test. Reference materials, equipment, pencils, and other such paraphernalia should be brought to the site by the candidate for use in taking the test. The examination period will last 8 (eight) hours, with time off for lunch. Additional rest breaks may be taken at the candidate’s discretion. The start and finish times for the exam are flexible. Proctors will be monitoring all examination sessions, cannot answer any questions relevant to the test and are only responsible for proctoring the online examination.

Candidates who have successfully passed either test will receive a congratulatory letter, and be awarded a certificate recognizing them as a Certified Senior Detailer or Certified Detailer. Candidates who have not qualified as Senior Detailer – Class I will receive a letter; however if their score qualifies, they will be certified at the Detailer-Class II classification. If the applicant wishes to acquire Senior Detailer Class I status, then they will be allowed to retest up to 5 categories within 3 months of original examination date.

The fee for any retake test will be $150. Candidates who did not pass the exam at the Detailer-Class II classification will receive a letter. The names and test results of those who failed will be sealed. If the candidate wishes to retake the test, he/she will be allowed to retest up to 5 categories within 3 months of original examination date. The fee for any retake test will be $150.

Take the Test

/per exam
within 3 months of original examination date
Retake Test
/per exam
within 3 months of original examination date


Re-certification is required for all Certified Detailers every three (3) years. Re-certification applies only to the current classification held.
Those detailers who wish to upgrade their classification must retest. Re-certification will consist of the following requirements: Application fee –
$100 for NISD North American Members, $200 for Non-Members in North America, $150 for NISD Members Oversea and $250 for Non-
Members Oversea. Using new study materials provided by the NISD.
The Program Administrator will notify each Detailer two months prior to
their certification expiration date. A two (2) month grace period is permitted after the re-certification is due. If a detailer is not re-certified by the
end of the grace period, he/she must reapply and be retested before certification will be granted. click here.
NISD North American Members
/per exam
Re-certification is required for all Certified Detailers every three (3) years
Non-members in North America


/per exam
Re-certification is required for all Certified Detailers every three (3) years
NISD Members
/per exam
Re-certification is required for all Certified Detailers every three (3) years

/per exam
Re-certification is required for all Certified Detailers every three (3) years


All candidates’ test scores will be kept confidential in the NISD Administrative Office. The detailer’s name will be listed in the back of the Membership Directory under IDC Certification. “The Individual Detailer Certification Program certifies steel detailers in two classifications – detailer and senior detailer – for two disciplines – bridge detailing and structural/ miscellaneous detailing. These certifications are based upon the applicant’s demonstrated experience, capability, and understanding of sound detailing practices. The program does not certify job-specific compliance with individual practices, standards, or specifications. The National Institute of Steel Detailing and the program’s developers, sponsors, administrators, instructors, and proctors make no representation that a certified detailer will satisfy particular safety, performance, or other standards on any individual engagement, and fully disclaim any responsibility for the actions or performance of certified detailers. The information contained above is a general description of the individual detailer program and does not constitute or formulate a business relationship between the National Institute of Steel Detailing and any third party who might employ or engage a certified detailer.” More information on the program is available by contacting the program administrator at For an IDC application form click here.
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